With Tools for Conviviality behind us, we now move on to Deschooling Society. (Quick note: Deschooling was published a couple of years before Tools.) Looking forward to the conversation that unfolds around this work focused on education.
Here’s the plan:
The combination of an asynchronous and synchronous thread seems to have worked well, so we’ll keep that in place. Given that we are widely dispersed geographically, it makes sense to have more than one option for the synchronous thread. I’m also going to work on focusing our synchronous threads a bit more, at least at the outset, chiefly by relying on the asynchronous thread to raise questions/topics of interest.
Asynchronous thread will go up on Wednesday, July 15th.
Synchronous option one will be on Wednesday, July 29th at 8PM (US EST).
Synchronous option two will be on Friday, July 31st at 10AM (US EST).
Looking forward to it, and please feel free to send any feedback you have along the way.
P.S. I’ve chosen to keep the reading groups limited to paid subscribers for the sake of maintaining a scale that is more conducive to open discussion. You can subscribe here:
Pdf here if anyone needs it - https://learning.media.mit.edu/courses/mas713/readings/DESCHOOLING.pdf