Hello! In your writing over the last decade or so, you have provided lots of links and references to articles and books that have helped to develop your ideas. And I know that I could simply comb through those readings to assemble a list of influential authors and books. But I wonder, have you ever produced an annotated bibliography or reading list? I realize that you have some blog posts (see https://thefrailestthing.com/tag/tech-critical-canon/) and Twitter threads (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TechCriticalCanon?src=hashtag_click) on this topic already but I thought I would ask.
Thanks so much for continuing to share your work with the Convivial Society. Great stuff here!
Thank you. I remember seeing this post but couldn't quite remember where. This is a helpful list.
My engagement with the sources you have shared over the years has mostly been for my own enrichment. I've really enjoyed taking the perspectives from these readings and your posts and applying them to my daily experience. But I've also wondered, mostly idly, how I might incorporate some of media ecology and tech critic scholars into the mostly educational psychology-based literature of my area. I am an "educational technologist" and I teach courses in the same area as an adjunct instructor.
At least one scholar in a similar field, Ellen Rose, has made some connections between educational technology, instructional design, and media ecology. And, Jenae Cohn, the author of a recent book on the subject of digital reading strategies took time to present McLuhan (pp. 20-21) and Ong (pp. 38-40) as she carefully unpacked what was special about "digital reading". I'm including citations to an article by Rose and the book by Cohn for anyone else who is in a similar search and may find these worthwhile.
Rose, E. (2006, September/October). Should you be a media ecologist? Bridging the gulfs of understanding between educational technology and media ecology. Educational Technology, 46 (5), 5-13.
Great stuff. I heard the Klein podcast and immediately found your website. I'm about halfway through Tools for Conviviality.
Nice, glad to be here, eager to follow up your peppering of links.
Thanks for replying to my email last night. Decided to pull the trigger. Enjoying the episode with Ezra. (Currently listening.)
Hello! In your writing over the last decade or so, you have provided lots of links and references to articles and books that have helped to develop your ideas. And I know that I could simply comb through those readings to assemble a list of influential authors and books. But I wonder, have you ever produced an annotated bibliography or reading list? I realize that you have some blog posts (see https://thefrailestthing.com/tag/tech-critical-canon/) and Twitter threads (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TechCriticalCanon?src=hashtag_click) on this topic already but I thought I would ask.
Thanks so much for continuing to share your work with the Convivial Society. Great stuff here!
Thanks, Will. I've never provided anything like a comprehensive or annotated list, but I did put this together a couple of years ago: https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/the-convivial-society-no-19
Thank you. I remember seeing this post but couldn't quite remember where. This is a helpful list.
My engagement with the sources you have shared over the years has mostly been for my own enrichment. I've really enjoyed taking the perspectives from these readings and your posts and applying them to my daily experience. But I've also wondered, mostly idly, how I might incorporate some of media ecology and tech critic scholars into the mostly educational psychology-based literature of my area. I am an "educational technologist" and I teach courses in the same area as an adjunct instructor.
At least one scholar in a similar field, Ellen Rose, has made some connections between educational technology, instructional design, and media ecology. And, Jenae Cohn, the author of a recent book on the subject of digital reading strategies took time to present McLuhan (pp. 20-21) and Ong (pp. 38-40) as she carefully unpacked what was special about "digital reading". I'm including citations to an article by Rose and the book by Cohn for anyone else who is in a similar search and may find these worthwhile.
Cohn, J. (2021). Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading. West Virginia University Press. http://wvupressonline.com/node/865
Rose, E. (2006, September/October). Should you be a media ecologist? Bridging the gulfs of understanding between educational technology and media ecology. Educational Technology, 46 (5), 5-13.