Great stuff. I heard the Klein podcast and immediately found your website. I'm about halfway through Tools for Conviviality.

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Aug 8, 2021Liked by L. M. Sacasas

Nice, glad to be here, eager to follow up your peppering of links.

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Thanks for replying to my email last night. Decided to pull the trigger. Enjoying the episode with Ezra. (Currently listening.)

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Hello! In your writing over the last decade or so, you have provided lots of links and references to articles and books that have helped to develop your ideas. And I know that I could simply comb through those readings to assemble a list of influential authors and books. But I wonder, have you ever produced an annotated bibliography or reading list? I realize that you have some blog posts (see https://thefrailestthing.com/tag/tech-critical-canon/) and Twitter threads (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TechCriticalCanon?src=hashtag_click) on this topic already but I thought I would ask.

Thanks so much for continuing to share your work with the Convivial Society. Great stuff here!

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