Good note from reader Stephen Carradini, posted with permission: "I do think that one of the arguments throughout the movie is about how not-real / 'fake' ideas become actionable, to the extent that the unreal is preferable to the real. Are the kids real? Does it matter to Cobb at the end if they are real? It should, but it seems that it does not. Even if the movie is not about 'the digital' directly, a discussion of real/not real is not a sort of thing that would have a lot of legs outside philosophical circles unless there was some condition around the time of this movie that made people connect with this idea. I would argue, then, that it is a piece of art that needs the digital to exist and be as resonant as it was (and is; it is still one of my favorite movies)."

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ou step into the Database, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.

An interesting reflection on the hidden effects of online especially social media. yes, we are not as narrowly rational as we are told. It is interesting and unsettling how a little thing in twitter, a comment, can draw you in. Different things can spark off strong emotions in different people.

As I am old person I remember when people talked about subliminal advertising. I wonder if that must be present in internet advertising. My feeling (rightly or wrongly) is that we get overcharged by the stimuli of online media.

A walk in the park, or at least to somewere, putting on blues or jazz on my cd player, is sometimes better.

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